With Ten KingsThe age of the Chosun Dynasty had the policy of admiring Confucianism and oppressing Buddhism, which caused the decline of Buddhism from the beginning of the Chosen Dynasty. Since the Buddhism in the age of the Chosen Dynasty didn't expect the construction of temple any more by royal supports, it penetrated into a background of society, avoiding the suppression and could maintain i..
Pottery can be divided into two types, Firstly Earthenware is a pottery which burns in 700~1000 Celsius degrees, roof tile, terracotta, Mediterranean Pottery..Secondly Porcelain is burned in 1250~1300.Wash stand, toilet, bath tub, England Wedgwood. A way of making is similar but when you hit the surface of the Pottery it it sounds thick and heavy, that is earthenware, if it sounds like high and ..
옹기는 독을 지칭하는 명사이다. 유약을 입히지 않은 모든 질그릇의 명칭이다. 도기중 가장 규모가 큰것을 옹기라고 한다.Onggi are specifically classified into three types.질그릇 옹기 are baked at 600~700 without glaze. When baked in the kiln, black smoke(ashes) coats the surface, imbuing a black gray color. 푸레독 옹기 are baked at 800~900. Salt is sprinkled on them to raise the temperature when they are baked in kiln.오지그릇 옹기 are baked at 1200 for 10days aft..
For a population to hold steady, that number should be 2.1 if this trend continues, Korea's population is estimated to halve by the year 2100.In 50 years time the number of working age people will have halved the pool eligible to take part in the country's mandatory military service will have shrunk by 58% and nearly half the population will be older than 65.Politicians to brainstorm more "creat..
수저문화Though seemingly inefficient at a glance , chopsticks can be highly efficient depending on what you need them for.They are very useful when you take solid ingredients or tiny fried bean.Unlike China , Japan and other East Asian countries using chopsticks at table , korea puts as much emphasis on the spoon as the chopsticks. In China and Japan they also use a spoon while eating , but it is us..
Upon Liberation , the Process for building a nation ... On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allied forces, and that finally brought an end to the war. Japan's defeat meant the independence of Korea, since in 1943 the leaders of America, Britain , and China held a conference at Cairo to discuss of post-war Asia and promised the independence of Korea; In due course , Korea..